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Talent pools
Updated over a year ago

Talent pools are like lists of candidates that recruiters keep in touch with.

Adding candidates to talent pools

Once you create a talent pool, you can add candidates to it in several ways:

  • Job mailbox – Add candidates by sending CVs and resumes to a dedicated email address.

  • Manually – Enter the candidate's information into a form.

  • Import from a CVS file - Add many candidates from a CSV file.

  • Bulk CV upload – Upload a file with many candidates at one time.

  • Recruitee Chrome extension – important potential candidates from any website with a user database.

Followed talent pools

Follow a talent pool to stay updated with what's happening in it. To follow a talent pool, click the bookmark icon. You will then be notified about new candidates in this talent pool. You'll also know when candidates are removed, evaluated, tagged, and more.

Assign team members to a talent pool

Invite team members to collaborate on a talent pool. This works well when you need to organize long lists of candidates by tagging them. Click Edit next to your selected talent pool and assign your colleagues in the Team members section at the bottom. If they don't have a Recruitee account, they will receive an email invitation to create one.

Jobs vs talent pools?

The difference between jobs and talent pools is simple. With Jobs, you can hire candidates, with Talent pools you can store potential candidates for future openings.

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