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Fair evaluations
Updated over 3 months ago

During the hiring process, hiring teams’ opinions can be heavily influenced by one another. With Fair evaluations, team members can give their own unbiased opinion to see which candidate really comes out on top. If enabled, team members cannot see each other’s evaluations in selected stages until they evaluate the candidate themselves. The feature is part of the Unbiased hiring module in Recruitee.

⚠️The Fair evaluations feature is available on the Optimize plan.

How Fair evaluations work

To turn on or off the Fair evaluations feature for your company, you’ll need admin access.

You can enable Fair evaluations for individual pipeline stages in your jobs, meaning team members cannot see each other’s evaluations in pipeline stages where Fair evaluations are enabled unless they evaluate the candidate themselves.

1. Pipeline stages with Fair evaluations enabled have a visibility icon. If you have not evaluated the candidate, you will not see their score.

2. In the candidate profile, you can see whether your team members have evaluated the candidate. Their evaluations will be hidden and grouped by pipeline stage.

3. Team members with the permission Review hidden evaluations can click Review evaluations to temporarily see evaluations without adding one.

You can use this if you are making a decision about whether or not to proceed a candidate but you aren’t the one evaluating the candidate.

4. When you evaluate the candidate, we will show you other team members’ evaluations and the candidate’s scores.

5. If the candidate moves to additional stages with Fair evaluations enabled, we will hide other team members’ evaluations and their score again until you evaluate the candidate in that stage.

When you move the candidate to a stage where Fair evaluations is not enabled, evaluations become visible for everyone.

💡When Fair evaluations are enabled for at least one stage in a job’s pipeline, evaluations added to candidates in that job will still trigger activities and notifications, however, their score will not be visible so team members are not able to see it.

How to enable fair evaluations

To turn on or off the Fair evaluations feature for your company, you’ll need admin access. Go to Settings > Unbiased Hiring and click Edit. In the new window, select Display the feature and click Save.

Then, you can enable Fair evaluations for specific stages in pipeline templates:

1. Go to Settings > Templates > Pipelines and select a pipeline template.

2. Tick the box to enable Fair evaluations and click Save.

💡 Once you save these settings, Fair evaluations is enabled for the selected stages of all jobs that use the selected pipeline template. You can also enable Fair evaluations for custom pipelines directly in the job’s editor.

When to use Fair evaluations

You can use Fair evaluations in any pipeline stage where you want to avoid bias or group-thinking.

Applied stage

Avoid bias and the influence of strong opinions while reviewing the CVs of candidates who applied to your jobs.

Interview stage

After an interview, you may ask your team members to add an evaluation to the candidate profile. When enabling Fair evaluations at this stage, everyone will have the opportunity to share their own insights without being influenced by someone's strong opinion.

Business case stage

Team members can give their unbiased opinion about the results of the candidate’s business case

Fair evaluations for externally shared candidates

When a candidate profile is shared with the sharing link and the option to share “All evaluations” is selected, anyone who visits that link can view all evaluations - even those hidden by the Fair evaluations feature.

We recommend to not use the sharing link with the “All evaluations” option selected if you have a fair evaluations process in place so you can get the full benefits of the feature. As an administrator, you can coach your team how to get the most out of Recruitee’s unbiased hiring features or you can also disable the “Share candidate” permission for select roles.

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