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All the search filters you can use in Recruitee

Updated over a week ago

1. Click the search bar on the top menu, or click Candidates in the left menu.

2. Choose and combine the search filters you want to use to search for candidates.

Some of the search filters you can use include:

Candidate status: Candidates' status and how they applied in Recruitee. For example:

  • Qualified: All candidates who are marked as Qualified in all jobs/talent pools.

  • Disqualified: All candidates who are marked as Disqualified in all jobs/talent pools.

  • Sourced: All candidates who are imported via the Recruitee sourcing extension to all jobs/talent pools.

Pipeline stage: The stages in the pipelines of all jobs. For example:

  • Applied: All candidates who are in the Applied stage of all jobs.

  • Phone screen: All candidates who are in the Phone screen stage of all jobs.

  • Interview: All candidates who are in the Interview stage of all jobs.

Job: The jobs in your company account, including archived jobs. For example:

  • Designer (example): All candidates in the Designer (example) job’s pipeline.

  • Manager (example): All candidates in the Manager (example) job’s pipeline.

Talent pool: The talent pools in your company account, including archived talent pools. For example:

  • Great managers: All candidates in the Great managers talent pool.

Source tag: The source tags you use for your candidate database. For example:

  • Twitter: All candidates with Twitter as a source tag in their candidate profiles.

  • Indeed: All candidates with Indeed as a source tag in their candidate profiles. 

Evaluation: The evaluation scores of your candidates. You can filter on the thumb ratings as well as a sliding score of percentages. For example:

  • Strong yes: All candidates with an overall strong yes rating.

  • 75 - 100%: All candidates with an overall evaluation score between 75 and 100 percent.

Tag: The tags you use for your candidate database. For example:

  • Senior: All candidates tagged with Senior.

  • AngularJS: All candidates tagged with AngularJS.

Date: The date range when your candidates' profiles were created (sourced, applied, added manually, etc.) For example:

  • Last week: All candidates whose profiles were created in the last week.

  • Last 30 days: All candidates whose profiles were created within the last 30 days.

CV: Search for candidates with and without CVs in your database.

Screening question: The Yes/No, Single choice, and Multiple choice screening questions you used. For example:

  • “Where do you prefer to work” > “At home where I can focus”: All candidates answered “At home where I can focus”

  • “Where do you prefer to work” > “At a public space where I can relax”: All candidates answered “At a public space where I can relax”.

Work location:

Search or exclude candidates based on a specific work location.

Sort by

Change the order in which candidates are displayed based on the following criteria.

  • Relevance

  • Name

  • Average score

  • Job

  • Pipeline stage

  • Job fit score

  • Talent pool

  • Date created

  • Last Activity

  • Disqualified by

  • Disqualified date

  • Retention period

  • Hired date

  • Start date

Adjust column

Click the Column icon on the far-right and tick the boxes of the columns you want to display.

  • Name

  • Average score

  • Job

  • Stage

  • Job fit score

  • Work location

  • Date created

  • Source

  • Tag

  • Talent pool

  • EEO status

  • Disqualified by

  • Disqualified date

  • Integrations

  • Last Activity

  • GDPR status

  • Retention period

  • Hire date

  • State date

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