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Recruitee sourcing extension

Source candidates with the Recruitee talent sourcing extension for Chrome

Updated over a year ago

The Recruitee talent sourcing extension for Chrome lets you add potential candidates to your database. For example, you can browse to a user's Github profile and use the extension to add them to the appropriate job or talent pool.

After installing Recruitee's sourcing extension, you can start sourcing candidates. 

1. Go to the candidate's profile on a social networking website.

2. Open the sourcing extension via the toolbar or click on the Recruitee icon next to the candidate's profile. This will open the extension as a tab in your browser.

Note: If you are not already logged in to the extension, you can log in with the same login info of your Recruitee account.

3. Check the candidate's details and fill out other fields.

  • Assign to...: Choose the job or talent pool you'd like to place the candidate in.

  • Tags: Add tags to the candidate's profile. This will help you organize and search your candidate database.

  • Email: The candidate's email is based on what they filled out on the sourced website.

  • Phone: The candidate's phone number is based on what they filled out on the sourced website.

  • Social: By default this is the candidate's profile link from where you sourced them. You can add more links.

  • Sources: The website will be added as a source automatically. You could also add your own name or that of a referrer.

  • Custom field: Add any other details. This information will be stored under the profile fields in the candidate’s profile.

  • Team note: Your note will appear on the team note section of the candidate's profile.


  • The Recruitee talent sourcing extension supports sourcing candidates from the following social media: Dribbble, Github, Stackexchange, Stackoverflow, and Xing.

  • LinkedIn has disabled all third-party tools from extracting public data from LinkedIn. This includes Recruitee's sourcing extension. If you want to source candidates from LinkedIn, save the LinkedIn profile as a PDF and upload it in Recruitee to have its information parsed.

4. When you are ready click Add candidate.

Note: Based on a candidate's email address, Recruitee will detect if there is a potential duplicate candidate profile in your account. You can choose to view the existing profile.

5. Go to the job/talent pool where you assigned the candidate. You'll see the candidate in the Sourced stage in the pipeline. This sourced column is added automatically before the applied stage in your pipeline.

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