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Nmbrs integration

Easily forward your new hires from Recruitee to your Nmbrs account

Updated over a week ago

Do you use Nmbrs for your HR-Payroll and other HR processes? With this integration, you'll be able to add your new hires to your Nmbrs account with a simple click.

If the Nmbrs integration isn’t enabled in your account yet, please first follow the instructions under setting up the integration.

Send new hires to Nmbrs

1. Go to the hired candidate's profile. Click More > in the dropdown menu and choose Send to Nmbrs.

2. Check the information, correct it if necessary, and select a Debtor.

Select a Job title, Department, add additional information under Add, and click Send.

3. The candidate's profile now has a Nmbrs Badge showing that the profile has already been sent to Nmbrs. Hover your mouse over the badge to display who sent the profile and when.

Note: You can only send a profile to Nmbrs once; after that, the option will disappear from the dropdown menu.

Setting up the Integration

1. Enable the permissions for the API rights. Log in to your Nmbrs account and go to Settings > User Settings > User Templates and, click on the API gear icon next to Accountantviewer.  

Under Webservices, select Company Services and enable the List_GetAll permission.

Select Debtor Services under Webservices and enable the following permissions:

  • List_GetAll

  • Department_GetList

  • Environment_Get

  • Function_GetList

Select Employee Services under Webservices and enable the following permissions:

  • Address_InsertCurrent

  • Department_UpdateCurrent

  • Employee_InsertByEmployeeType

  • Function_UpdateCurrent

  • PersonalInfo_GetCurrent

  • PersonalInfo_UpdateCurrent

  • Salary_UpdateCurrent

Note: Make sure the Nmbrs account you are using to set up the integration is the right type of user. Learn more about which user type you should create for integrations in Numbrs' help center.

2. In Recruitee, go to Marketplace > Categories > HRIS and select Nmbrs to Integrate.

Your role within Recruitee needs to have access to the Integrations settings in order to do this.

3. Read the information and confirm by clicking Accept and integrate.

4. Fill in your email address and API token, and click Integrate.

You can find the API token in your Nmbrs Account under User profile > API token.

5. Recruitee and Nmbrs are now connected. Under Manage you can select who is able to view and send profiles to Nmbrs.

6. Decide which roles can see if a profile has already been sent to Nmbrs. You can also select which roles are able to send profiles to your Nmbrs account.

7. Under Manage, you can also change the API token or remove the integration altogether.

What personal data does Recruitee send to Nmbrs? 

Recruitee sends the candidate’s first name, last name and email address to Nmbrs.

⚠️ Additional data can be supported through field mapping. See Integration field mapping help article on how to configure fields in Recruitee.

📌 Recruitee does not save any personal data from Nmbrs.

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