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How to use the Job Reports Dashboard
How to use the Job Reports Dashboard
Updated over a week ago

To see the dashboard, navigate to Jobs, select one and then click on the Reports tab.

This updated dashboard now shows the following:

At the top, you now have a quick overview of the total time the job has been open for, the amount of candidates that applied for it, any overdue candidates that should have been processed and the amount of completed evaluations done on candidates for this job. Note that overdue candidates only show up if there are stages in your pipeline with a defined time limit.

Next, you can see a breakdown of this job's pipeline. It shows what percentage of your total candidates got to the different pipeline stages. You can also see a tooltip listing the specific candidates by hovering over the individual stages. Just below that, you can also see the average amount of time spent by a candidate in each stage. Both can help you recognize any potential bottlenecks in your hiring process, whether in terms of pipeline stages, or in terms of time to hire.

Further, there is a line graph visualizing new candidates over time for this job, letting you know when you received applicants. Next to that, the sources from which your candidates come from are represented in a donut graph. Both of these help you get a quick snapshot of when and where your candidates are applying.

Finally, the last part of this dashboard shows the reasons for which candidates were disqualified. This can be used to let recruiters and hiring managers know what to watch out for when interviewing candidates.

Note: All these dashboard components can show data from a specified time period. You can use a predefined time period such as: from when the job was first published, the last 7 days or the last 30 days. Alternatively, you can also specify a custom time period.

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