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Write and manage team notes

Discuss candidates with your team members

Updated over a week ago

With team notes, you and your team can discuss your candidates and collect information directly in the candidate profile.

Writing team notes

Go to a candidate profile and click the message box under Team notes to add a note.

When writing a team note, you can:

  • Mention team members by typing or clicking @ and selecting a team member’s name. Mentioned team members will receive notifications based on their notification settings.

  • Attach files to your team note by using the paperclip icon (the max. file size is 50MB)

  • Format your notes using the formatting toolbar in the message box to make your text bold, italic, or underlined, add numbered lists, bulleted lists, checklists, and hyperlinks.

  • Add emojis to your note by clicking the emoji icon.

Note: By default, all team notes are visible to all team members that have access to the candidate profile. Candidates cannot see your notes.

Restricting the visibility of a team note

Some notes may not be intended for everybody's eyes. You can restrict the visibility of notes to selected users or even just to yourself.

1. Click Visible to everyone below the message box of your team note.

2. Click Visible to selected... and select team members and/or hiring roles that will be able to view the note, or click Visible to only me, making the note private.

The message box will turn yellow, indicating that the team note has restricted visibility.


  • If someone replies under a team note with restricted visibility, their reply will also stay restricted to the group of selected team members.

  • Files attached to a team note with restricted visibility will be visible to the same team members as the note.

Learn more about managing the visibility of certain items in your account!

Pin team notes

Pin important notes to be on top of the Team notes section in the candidate profile by clicking the vertical ellipsis and selecting Pin note.

Leave reactions

Leave reactions under your team members’ notes by clicking the Thumbs up or selecting an emoji.

What's next?

You can automate writing notes in candidate profiles. With automated actions, you can trigger a note when you move candidates to a new stage or disqualify them.

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