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Posting jobs on Indeed and Glassdoor
Updated this week

With Recruitee, you can promote your published jobs automatically to job boards like Indeed and Glassdoor for free.

Posting jobs on Indeed and Glassdoor

By default, Recruitee automatically submits any job to Indeed. To post your jobs on Indeed, ensure auto-posting is enabled in your account.

💡 When multiple locations are created for your job, separate job listings will be sent to Indeed for each location.

Glassdoor and Indeed have partnered up to streamline job posting. All jobs you post to Indeed will also be posted to Glassdoor. This works automatically for both free and premium postings. Hence, it is not possible to post your jobs directly to Glassdoor. You can find more information about the partnership in Glassdoor’s help center.

Share data with Indeed for processing

Adding company details is encouraged to speed up the job review process. You can add your company website URL and generic company email address by following these instructions:

  1. Select a job offer in the Jobs section and click Promote. Click "Add details" in the information box to provide the missing company details.

  2. Click Add details under Company details in the Settings tab.

  3. Fill in your company details and click Submit.

⚠️ The company details cannot be removed but can be updated with new company details. In case you don't know the exact company website URL or generic company email address, please check with your IT Team or contact our Support department for assistance.

Collecting sensitive personal information on Indeed

Personal Identifiable Information (PII) such as social security number (SSN), bank account information, and full driver's license number are considered job seekers' sensitive information. Collecting them in the screening questions may result in reduced visibility of your job postings on Indeed. Apply with Indeed will also be disabled across your published jobs in this case.

If your job postings have been affected by this policy, you can follow these steps to remove any screening questions that ask for sensitive personal information.

💡 Indeed understands that collecting this information may be important for certain roles. However, employers are encouraged to collect this information after the initial application process on Indeed and during the hiring process. The enforcement of this policy is important to protect job seekers' sensitive information and maintain a safe and secure job search experience for all. Please contact Indeed support with any questions or concerns about your job posting.

Why is my job posting not on Indeed?

Were your jobs automatically posted to Indeed, but you cannot find them?

Have a look at the Promote tab within the job to see if it appears as Job submitted.

💡 Posting a job to a free job board may take up to 2 business days.

Your job posting appears as Job submitted?

There is a chance that job postings associated with your name or your company's name hit Indeed's (spam) filters and have been filtered out or marked as spam. Indeed may also have other reasons for not posting your jobs.

⚠️ Please contact Indeed if the job says Job submitted, but isn't visible on Indeed.

  • Make sure to add your company details as referred to in this article in the subsection Company details.

  • If you also posted a job on Indeed directly or via a different source, the job posted via Recruitee may not be visible.

  • If you are a recruitment-based company, your jobs likely do not qualify for organic visibility on Indeed, and you may have to sponsor your jobs to gain any visibility. All jobs from staffing agencies are automatically set to sponsored-only visibility.

  • If your Indeed account or jobs have been misclassified, you would like to appeal the decision. Please contact your Indeed representative to request a ticket to be submitted to Indeed's Trust and Safety team. Indeed has internal processes to identify companies and job sources. Please note that the decision to categorize a company or account as a recruitment-based company is made at Indeed’s sole discretion. Additionally, Indeed has various policies that may impact the visibility of jobs on our platform, and jobs posted by recruitment-based companies are still subject to these policies. For more information on Indeed’s policies, please refer to the Policy CenterIf you have further questions, contact Indeed via their help center or fill out this form

Possible reasons your Job Posting may be Rejected.

Your job posting will likely be rejected if it does not meet the Indeed guidelines. You can also learn more about why your job posting may be rejected.

Please contact your Indeed representative or support if you want more information.

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