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Invite team members to Recruitee
Invite team members to Recruitee

Hire together with your team for better results

Updated over a year ago

2. Click + New team member in the top right corner.

3. Select a hiring role and add the email addresses of the team members you would like to add with these access permissions.

To review what kind of access the hiring role has, click Show role details.

4. If the selected hiring role does not have permission to View all existing data, job(s)/talent pool(s) that the invited team member should have access to need to be selected.

Note: If you do not select any Jobs or Talent Pools at this point, your invited team members will not be able to see any Jobs, Talent Pools, or Candidates in Recruitee and they will have to be given access manually later on.

5. Customize the invitation message and click Send invite.

📌 If you manage multiple recruiting teams in multiple company accounts in Recruitee, make sure you stay in the right company account while sending out the invitation. The invited team member(s) will be logged in as part of the recruiting team of the company account that you sent the invitation from.

📌 You can also add team members to a Recruitment team with the Add team member button on candidates' profiles.

Try this now in your Recruitee account!

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