The Evaluations board presents insights about candidate ratings and evaluations, as it is a vital aspect of recruitment evaluations to determine a candidate’s quality and plays a critical factor in an offer proposal.
💡We recommend recruitment team leaders or people interested in measuring candidates' quality consult this dashboard on a monthly to weekly basis.
📌 You can expand the report's date range in case of less frequent visits.
The board consists of key data highlighting KPIs and advanced reports to dig deeper into the data and compare more specific metrics.
Key data
Completed evaluations: Total number of assessments given to candidates.
Evaluated candidates: Unique number of candidates who have received at least one rating.
Average candidate score: The average candidate score is calculated from all evaluations.
Advanced reports
Evaluations over time
Evaluations over time present the activity trend and serve as an introduction to the reports below.
Team member given evaluation scores
Shows the ratings given by specific team members, as well as how many evaluations each team member has performed, and if some users have a preference or bias towards a specific score. This can also be used as a leaderboard of users with the most evaluations.
Requested evaluations by status
Gives you an overview of how many evaluation requests your team has completed/not yet filled/discarded.
Time to evaluate per team member
Compares how long it takes, on average, for each team member to respond to an evaluation request.
Average candidate per score per source
Compares which sources bring the best candidates.