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Board template - Hires
Updated over a week ago

With this board, we aim to provide you with data to track and analyze the number of hired candidates across time or compare recruiters’ processes and tactics based on the time they took to hire someone.

💡We recommend recruitment leads (team leaders, management, recruiters) and people less involved in overseeing the global recruitment flow (hiring managers, recruiters, or upper managers) consult this board weekly or quarterly to track successful hires or provide statistics for an end-of-the-year review.

📌 You can expand the report's date range in case of less frequent visits.

The board consists of key data highlighting KPIs and advanced reports to dig deeper into the data and compare more specific metrics.

Key data

  • Hires: The total number of candidates marked as hired, based on the candidate’s hiring date

  • Time to hire: Time between the day the candidate is assigned to a job and when somebody hired them.

  • Time to start: Time between the day a recruiter assigned a candidate to the job until their start date.

Advanced reports

Hires over time

Compare recruitment statistics month by month or quarter by quarter.

Hires per jobs

This graph tells you how many hires took place in each job and what jobs required the most candidates.

Hires per source

Compare the number of hires per source to see which sources brought the most hires.

Hires per recruiter

Compare the number of hires per recruiter to see which recruiter brought hired the most hires candidates.

Time to hire per recruiter

Compare recruiters’ processes and tactics based on the time they took to hire someone.

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