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Applying SEO to your jobs and careers site (2.0)
Applying SEO to your jobs and careers site (2.0)
Updated over a week ago

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a method of inbound marketing that makes your page findable and trackable by Google, Bing, and other search engines. Clear, targeted, and searchable job descriptions attract the most relevant and qualified job seekers to apply for your open roles.

By having the right title and meta description for your careers site and each one of your jobs, you will have search engines such as Google, Bing, and DuckDuckGo index them properly. Your jobs will therefore have a higher chance of staying on top of the search results of potential candidates.

Editing the metadata of your careers site

1. Go to the page editor of the page you’d like to edit.

2. Click the gear icon in the top-left.

3. Under SEO you can update the Title and Description for this page.


The title tag of this careers site page. Read more: What is a title tag?

📌 This title is also reflected in the browser tab of the page.


The meta description of your page. Read more: What is a meta description?

4. Under Social sharing image, you can update the image.

Social sharing image

This is the image that can be seen when this page is shared on social media. Hover over the image and click Upload image to update it.

Default image

This is the image that can be seen when your careers site is shared on social media.

1. In the CareersHub, go to Settings in the top bar and Social sharing image on the left.

2. Hover over the image and click Upload image to update it.

💡 In case you did not add individual social sharing images to your jobs or other pages, this image is also used when one of your jobs or pages is shared.

Editing metadata per job

1. Click Edit next to a job you’d like to optimize for social media.

2. Go to the Social sharing tab.

  • Title: The title tag of each of your jobs.

  • Description: The meta description of each of your jobs.

  • Social sharing image : This is the image that will be displayed when the selected job is shared on social media.

Click Upload new image to update the social sharing image for this job.

💡 You can also customize the URL of each job for better indexing and SEO. Find out how to do so here.

Why does my recently updated social sharing image not show when sharing the job link?

Recently updated shared images may take up to 7 days to refresh on websites due to caching. To speed up this process, you can request to refresh the website’s cache so that your image is updated immediately.

Click here to get to LinkedIn’s post inspector tool.

Click here to get to Facebook’s sharing debugger.

Simply paste your job’s URL into one of the tools above to update it for the website, and you should be able to share the link with the new image.

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