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Cookies and integrations on your careers site (2.0)
Cookies and integrations on your careers site (2.0)
Updated over 9 months ago

Enable cookie consent and manage which integrations add cookies to your careers site.

📌 We strongly advise consulting with a lawyer about configuring your careers site and including cookie consent. You are solely responsible for the compliance of your careers site.


Allow your candidates to manage their cookie consent with a Consent banner and Preferences page.

In the CareersHub, under Settings > Cookies, toggle the switch next to Enable cookie consent request for visitors.

When visiting your careers site for the first time, candidates can set their cookies preferences in the cookies consent banner. Click Preview to see what it will look like to them.

Cookie preferences section

Candidates can withdraw or update their cookie consent by visiting a page that includes the Cookie preference section.

Add it to a page via the section library and make sure you link to the page or the section from other pages on your careers site, so your candidates can easily find it and update their cookies preferences.

Translate cookie consent

Click Translate cookie consent to update the content of the Consent banner, Cookie consent form, and Placeholders in all languages of your careers site.

Note: If you make changes to cookie settings, candidates will be prompted to update their preferences as well.

Cookie providers

Cookie providers make up the contents of the cookie consent dialog. Click Edit to change the description of individual cookie providers and to decide whether you would like to wait for the visitor’s consent before displaying content by the provider.


Manage the integrations connected to your careers site that may place cookies.

Go to the CareersHub > Settings > Integrations to view the list of integrations.

Integrations that add cookies on your careers site have a Cookie icon.

Click the gear icon to view more info or disable the integration.

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