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Harver integration

Invite candidates to complete a Harver assessment directly from Recruitee

Updated over a week ago

With our Harver integration, it takes just a simple click to invite candidates to complete an assessment.

If the integration isn’t enabled in your account yet, please follow the instructions under Setting up the integration first.

Send candidates to Harver

1. Go to the hired candidate's profile. Click More > in the dropdown menu choose Send Harver assessment.

2. Check the candidate data, correct it if necessary, select a vacancy, and click Send.

3. A Harver badge will appear in the candidate’s profile indicating that an assessment has been sent to them.

4. At the bottom of the candidate's profile, you can now find a section with a list of assessments and their status.

The badge in the candidate's profile changes to a percentage when the candidate completed the assessment.

You can view details about how the candidate scored at the bottom of the candidate's profile.

Click Open next to an assessment to get redirected to Harver or download a PDF of the scores by clicking the three dots on the right.

Setting up the integration

To enable this integration, follow the steps below. Your role within Recruitee needs to have access to the integrations settings in order to do this.

Go to Marketplace > Categories > Assessments and select Harver to Integrate.

2. Read the information and confirm by clicking Accept and integrate.

3. Fill in your Account ID and Access token and click Integrate.

Note: Please reach out to Harver support in order to receive your Account ID and Access token.

4. Recruitee and Harver are now connected. Under Manage you can select who is able to view and send Harver assessments.

5. You can also remove the integration via Recruitee under Manage.

What personal data does Recruitee send to Harver?

Candidate’s first name, last name, and email address.

Note: Recruitee does not save any personal data from Harver.

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