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The Predictive Index integration

Invite candidates to complete an assessment from The Predictive Index before you hire them

Updated over a week ago

With our The Predictive Index integration, it takes just a simple click to invite candidates to complete an assessment.

If the integration for The Predictive Index isn’t enabled in your account yet, please follow the instructions under Setting up the integration first.

Send candidates to The Predictive Index

1. Go to the hired candidate's profile. Click More > in the dropdown menu choose Send The Predictive Index assessment.

2. Check the candidate data and correct it if necessary.

Select an assessment and the associated job and click Send.

Note: Only one Recruitee user can be selected as the assessment administrator under Administered by. Select a user who will be engaged in the communication between the candidate and The Predictive Index regarding the assessment and the assessment status updates.

You can send multiple assessments to the same candidate.

3. A The Predictive Index badge will appear in the candidate’s profile indicating that an assessment has been sent to them.

Note: The assessments in The Predictive Index are stored in the Default Folder of the owner that set up the integration using their API key.

4. At the bottom of the candidate's profile, you can now find a section with a list of assessments and their status.

Note: The list contains the name of the Recruitee user who sent the assessment, who is not necessarily the person it’s administered by.

The badge in the candidate's profile changes to a green checkmark when the candidate completes at least one assessment.

You can see which assessment has been completed and see a preview at the bottom of the candidate's profile. Click Open next to an assessment to view the full report in The Predictive Index.

Setting up the integration

To enable this integration, follow the steps below. Your role within Recruitee needs to have access to the integrations settings in order to do this.

1. Go to Marketplace > Categories > Assessments and select The Predictive Index to Integrate.

2. Read the information and confirm by clicking Accept and integrate.

3. Fill in the API key and click Integrate.

Note: In order to generate an API key for The Predictive Index, please have a look at their documentation here or reach out to their support.

4. Recruitee and The Predictive Index are now connected. Under Manage you can select who is able to view and send profiles to The Predictive Index.

5. Decide which roles can see if a profile has already been sent to The Predictive Index. You can also select which roles are able to send profiles to your The Predictive Index account.

6. You can also remove the integration via Recruitee under Manage.

What personal data does Recruitee send to The Predictive Index?

Candidate’s first name, last name, email address.

Selected recruiter’s first name, last name, email address, phone number.

Note: Recruitee does not save any personal data from The Predictive Index.

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