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Checkr integration

Perform background checks on candidates in Recruitee

Updated over a week ago

With the Checkr integration, it will become a simple click to request background checks on your candidates. If the integration isn’t enabled yet in your account please first follow the instructions under Setting up the integration.

Request background checks

1. To request a background check, go to the candidate profile you want to check. Click on More and in the dropdown menu choose the Background check option

Or choose for + Background check under the CV / Resume block.

2. Make sure the correct email address is filled in. The background check can’t be requested without an email address. From the drop-down menu, choose the Background check package you want to perform.

When your Checkr account has defined Account Hierarchy, information under Work location will be required to fill in. Country, province or state, and city will be pre-filled based on the location of the job this candidate is assigned to.

You can still add a work location even if your Checkr does not require it.

Click on Send and Checkr will email the background check to the candidate.

3. After this, a Checkr badge is added to the profile. This way you and your teammates can see if a background check was already requested. If you hover your mouse over the badge it will display the requested background check package and the status of the request.

4. Scroll down in the candidate’s profile to view the background check status. Each background check status will be updated in real-time in the candidate’s profile. There are eight statuses:

  • Invited: The invitation to the background check was emailed to the candidate. The candidate hasn't replied yet. You can cancel an invitation by clicking Cancel Check. If the candidate already complete the background check and Checkr is running it, you won't be able to cancel it.

  • Cancelled: The invitation to the background check has been canceled by you or a team member.

  • Pending: The candidate has completed the background check and Checkr is cross-checking the data.

  • Clear: The candidate has finished the background check and the result is positive.

  • Consider: The candidate has finished the background check and the result is negative.

  • Expired: The candidate didn’t finish the background check within one week.

  • Suspended: The candidate was asked to provide additional documentation and Checkr is waiting for that.

  • Dispute: The candidate disagrees with the result of the background check and requests a reinvestigation. You can read more about this here.

5. You can run as many background checks as you want for a candidate in Recruitee. If you click on a background check report you can view the report in Checkr itself.

Setting up the integration

To enable the Checkr integration, follow the steps below. In order to do this, your role within Recruitee needs to have access to the Integrations settings.

1. Go to Marketplace > Categories > Background and reference checks and select Checkr to Integrate.

2. Read the information and approve by clicking on Accept & Integrate.

2. Next, you will be directed to the Checkr’s website. If you already have an account with Checkr, click Sign in.  

Note: If you don’t have an account with Checkr yet, you will need to complete their signup process under Create Account. If you’re creating a new account with Checkr they will first need to verify your account. During that time, you won’t see the Background Check option in the candidate profiles in Recruitee.

3. Confirm you want to Sign in with Checkr.

4. Fill in your login details and click on Log In.

4. Click on Click here to connect to establish the connection

4. After this, you will be redirected to the Integrations page in Recruitee. Recruitee and Checkr are now connected. Under Manage you can select who should be able to view and request background checks.

5. Decide which roles should be able to see if a background check was already requested. Next to this, select or unselect which roles should have the possibility to request background checks.

6. You can remove the integration via Recruitee or Checkr. For Checkr, go to your Account settings and click on the Integrations tab, here you can choose to Turn off the Recruitee integration.

What data does Recruitee send to Checkr?

Candidate's email address, and work location (country, province or state, and city) of this job offer.

Try this now in your Recruitee account! Make sure you are logged in to keep all your changes saved.

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