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Out of office message
Updated over 7 months ago

Out of office messages are custom replies sent automatically to emails you receive during your absence.

📌If you have synced your Recruitee account with an external email provider where you have set up an out office message, you do not need to add a second out of office message from Recruitee.

1. In Profile Settings > Email settings > Out of office message click on Edit.

2. A new pop-up window appears to modify the message. To activate your auto-forwarded message, click the toggle Send automatic replies to all incoming emails.

3. Select the first day and last day of your time off, during which the message is sent if anyone tries to contact you.

4. In the body of the Message, modify the message or write a new one using the formatting tools available.

5. Tick the box to include your email signature configured in Profile settings > Email settings page.

6. Click Save

7. A message to signal the out office message is active is displayed in the mailbox category.

It is also displayed on the candidate’s page.

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