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Automated actions for the pipeline
Automated actions for the pipeline

Send messages, alert teammates, and more with automated actions that trigger when you move a candidate from one stage to the next.

Updated over 4 months ago

Automated actions give you the ability to assign triggers to pipeline stages. These triggers will then cause automatic actions within your account. Watch this quick video to see how it works:

Setting up automated actions will save you time by automating repetitive tasks. For example, you can trigger that when a candidate is moved to the phone interview stage, an email is sent to the candidate asking when would be a good time to schedule a call.

​📌 Your role will need to have access to 'Manage automated actions' and 'Edit jobs' in order to add or edit an automated action.

How to set up automated actions for your pipeline

Per stage in the pipeline, you can create automated actions to:

  • Send an email: when selecting send an email to a candidate as an action, you can choose whether this email will show as having been sent by the user that is moving the candidate in the pipeline or from one specific team member. You can also choose to delay sending your messages and send them at a later date and time.

  • Add a note: for other team members

  • Add a task: add a task for a team member and set its due date in relative time (e.g. in 3 days) or on a specific date

  • Add tags: to candidates

  • Add evaluation request: for a team member to evaluate a candidate

  • Add followers: to candidates

  • Assign to: jobs or talent pools

⚠️ If a team member's hiring role does not have access to a feature (e.g. emails), but this team member moves a candidate to a stage with an automated action assigned, the action will NOT be triggered.

📌 When the automated email-sending feature is activated, candidates will receive an email notification when they are moved to a stage that has this feature enabled.

Automated actions for the pipeline can be different for each job. If you edit your default pipeline, this pipeline will then be used for all your new jobs. After you have created a job, you can edit it accordingly to the job's specific needs. If you want to use automated actions for existing jobs, you will need to edit the pipeline per job to set up the different triggers.

The actions will automatically happen when a candidate is moved to the stage where such a trigger is assigned. To assign a trigger follow these steps:

1. Go to Settings > Templates > Pipeline

2. Click on the pencil icon on the stage where you would like to assign an automated action.

3. Next, click on the Action button and select the action you would like to add.

4. It is possible to add multiple actions to one stage in the pipeline. Click + Action if you want to add more or click Save if you have finished adding actions.

5. Automated actions in a pipeline stage are indicated with a lightning bolt icon (⚡).

6. If you create a new job after this, the automated actions will be active in the pipeline of this job.

If you want to add or edit an automated action in the pipeline of an already existing job, go to the Job > Edit > Workflow >

From here, follow the same instructions 1-4, stated above, for the pipeline template.

Within the pipeline of job the automated actions are shown next to the stage. Click on the lightning bolt here to view and/or edit the automated action for this particular pipeline.

📌 Automated actions can't be set up to be triggered after a certain time has passed (like send email after 7 days of no response)

Delaying candidate messages

Automated messaging with automated actions is one of the power features in Recruitee, but making those messages appear more authentic can be a challenge. It can seem pretty harsh to let candidates know they've been disqualified mere moments after they submit their applications.

Now you can choose to delay your messages and send them at a later date and time. Just write your email as you normally would and then schedule it to be sent at a more appropriate date or time.

When you delay sending a message, you give the impression of consideration by setting up a customizable buffer between the time a candidate moves into a hiring stage and the time you send them a message that correlates with that stage.

How to delay messages sent via automated actions

Go to your pipeline settings and then select your workflow. From there, you can edit each hiring stage and you’ll see every action you’ve configured for that hiring stage.

In the Edit a stage window that pops up, choose the Send an email header. After you choose the email template you’d like to delay, Recruitee will pop up a window where you’ll be able to choose from a number of pre-defined periods of delay or choose your own.

Working with automated actions

You can assign automated actions in the pipeline for when someone enters the applied stage and for when you move candidates within the pipeline.

Note: Automated actions aren't performed on candidates that arrive in the applied stage via CV upload or CV forwarding to the Job's email address.

Move a candidate

1. When you proceed a candidate via their profile, you can see if there are automated actions for the stage where you want to move them.

2. When you move a candidate by dragging their card in the pipeline or via their profile, an assistant box in the middle will appear in which the performed automated actions are shown.

3. When the automated actions are done, the process bar on the assistant box displays a green tick.

4. If you don't want the automated actions to be done, you can click on cancel.

5. If you move a candidate backward in the pipeline or to a stage that this candidate has previously been in, you will be asked if you want to continue and perform the automated actions again or move without actions.

📌 Previously triggered automated actions that have not been executed yet (such as scheduled emails) will be executed as scheduled, even if you move the candidate out of the pipeline stage they are associated with, no matter if that's backward or forward in the pipeline.

6. In a candidate's profile, actions that were performed automatically will have a lightning bolt next to them. Notes and requested evaluations will not have a team member shown if they were added via automated actions.

Move candidates in bulk

1. When you proceed candidates in bulk, you can see if there are automated actions when you select the stage where you want to move them.

2. Next, the automated actions that will be performed are shown. You can choose to continue and perform the automated actions or choose to move without actions.

3. An indicator of proceeding the candidates is shown, but not of the automated actions. This assistant box is only shown when you move one candidate, therefore it is not possible to cancel automated actions after confirming you want to continue.

📌 If you move a candidate(s) back before all the actions are performed, the remaining automated actions will be canceled.

What your team members will see

You and your team members can see the differences in notifications/tasks/evaluations request from other team members and which were triggered by an automated action; these will be indicated with a lightning bolt.

What's next?

To make sure you are spending time with the best candidates, you can set up automated actions for your disqualify reasons.

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