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Job updates ✨
Updated over 7 months ago

We’re happy to present updates around our job editor. You will notice things that are new, and that some others have been moved to a different place. All in all, it’s now easier to create jobs!

The biggest change that you will notice right is that the overall design has changed, and some steps now have new names.

Set job priorities

In the first step, Job details, you can now set job priorities, choosing between Low to Urgent. This helps your team understand the urgency of each job posting.

New place to assign job requisitions

We’ve moved the option to assign a requisition to a job into the Job details step for easier access.

Write job highlights

In the Job details step, scroll down to find a new text area called Job highlight. Use this to write a short, one-sentence summary that will attract candidates and encourage them to apply.

Application step

The candidate information fields you add in the Candidate information section will match the application form on your careers site, in the same order. You can add, remove, and mark these questions as optional or required. Plus, we’ve moved the setting for enabling auto-confirmation emails to this step.

Select decision makers in the “Team tab”

Managing job access and decision-makers is now easier. In one place, you can see who has access to the job and select the recruiter and hiring manager. Previously, decision makers were assigned in the Job Posting step.

All important settings in a new place

We’ve reorganized some settings to keep everything useful in one place — specifically, in the top bar. You can preview your job while it's still in draft. To schedule publish dates, click the More menu in the top-right corner.

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