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5% price increase upon contract renewal
5% price increase upon contract renewal
Updated over 3 months ago

Below you will find frequently asked questions and answers around the price increase to your subscription starting January 1st, 2025.

When does the price change take effect?

The list price change takes effect on January 1st, 2025. The change to your current subscription price will take effect with your next subscription renewal, that falls on or after January 1st, 2025.

How can I find my subscription renewal date?

If you're on a web-based subscription, go to Settings > Billing to check the last invoice you received. Your renewal date will be marked as 'next billing date' on the invoice. If you have a custom or manual subscription and are unsure of your renewal date, please contact support via chat to confirm your renewal date.

How can I see what I currently pay for Recruitee?

Navigate to Settings > Billing to view your current subscription cost and payment method.

Which existing customers does this change apply to?

This change applies to all Recruitee customers who have a Recruitee renewal date on or after January 1st, 2025.

I’ve already arranged a discount for my next subscription term. Can I still have that discount?

We will apply any discounts specified in your auto-renewal terms for your next subscription period.

What improvements are you making to Recruitee in the future?

You can locate the product enhancements and share your suggestions and feedback directly on our development roadmap.

What if I have an existing open quote that includes the current pricing?

We’ll honor that quote until its expiration date.

I’m on a subscription for longer than 1 year; when does the price increase affect me?

At the start of your next subscription term. Your base price will not change until the start of your next subscription term which begins on or after January 1st, 2025. For example, if you have signed a contract with a subscription term of two years on 2 August 2024, your new term will start on 1 August 2026 and the change of price will take effect by then.

I’m on a subscription with a discount. Can I still have that discount upon renewal?

No, according to our Terms & Conditions, any calculation of fees for renewals of Subscriptions will be based on fees excluding discounts. Please contact our Support team or talk to your Customer Success Manager for more details.

Are prices also increasing for Recruitee partners?


Is every user from my company receiving the email regarding the price increase?

No, only the contacts marked in the billing contact field in Settings > Billing have received the email regarding the price increase. This FAQ can be found online by all website visitors.

I want to change my plan upon renewal; how can I find out what my new price will be?

Contact our Support team or your own Customer Success Manager to discover the possibilities of the new plans.

Does the price increase only affect the price for the base plan or also the price for additional slots?

The price increase affects the total price which includes both the base plan and any additional slots.

In the year of 2024, I already paid the invoice for my renewal on or after January 1st, 2025. Do I need to pay extra after January 1st, 2025 to compensate for the difference in pricing?

No, the pricing increase will only be at renewal or for additional products. The 5% price increase will not be applied to already paid-for services.

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