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Careers site analytics
Updated over a week ago

The careers site analytics dashboard gives you insights into your candidate engagement on your careers site.

The Total visits report shows you how many visits your careers site had within a specified time frame.

💡A visit starts when someone views your site and ends if they don’t take action for 30 minutes. If the same visitor returns after 30 minutes, it counts as a new visit.

The Average visit duration report highlights how much time visitors who view more than one page spend on your careers site on average.

💡How is it calculated?

Duration of all visits combined / Number of all visits excluding bounced visits

The Careers page bounce rate shows the percentage of visitors of your careers site that only view one page and then leave.

💡How is it calculated?

(Number of single-page visits/ Number of all visits) * 100%

Total applications show the number of applications from your careers site in the specified time frame.

The Applicant conversion rate shows the percentage of visits that resulted in a successfully submitted application.

💡How is it calculated?

(Number of all applications / Number of all visits) * 100%

The Application form drop-off rate shows the percentage of applications that were started but not submitted.

💡How is it calculated?

((Started applications - completed applications) / Started applications) * 100%

Visits over time show the trend of careers site visits over time. Visits are grouped by the specified interval (day, week, month, or quarter). The metric shows an aggregated number of page views in each period.

Applications over time show the trend of applications from your careers site over time. Applications from the Jobs widget or other custom integrations are not included. Applications are grouped by the specified interval (day, week, month, or quarter). The metric shows an aggregated number of applications in each period.

Most visited jobs show your jobs and how often they were visited to see which jobs have been visited most frequently.

Applications per job show you the number of applications each job has to see which jobs attract the most applications.

Visits per source show the number of visits your careers site gets from each source.

Applications per source show the number of applications your careers site gets from each source.

Filter the reports on the dashboard based on a time frame, by selecting Select date.

To filter the dashboard by Department, Hiring Manager, Job, or Recruiter, select Add filter.


If you apply a filter to an entire dashboard, the individual reports on the dashboard will have the pre-existing filters of the same kind overridden and the selected filter applied.

Some individual reports may not apply certain filters as not every metric supports every filter.

Highlight certain numbers in your reports by hovering over them with your mouse.

Click on the highlighted number to access a table of the data that this number is derived from.

Adjust the columns in the table by clicking the icon on the right.

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