Creating your first opening will probably be your most pressing task, so let's start with that!
In order to create a job opening, click the plus button in the top right hand corner. Select “Job” in the drop down menu.
This will open a simple five-step process to create a job opening in Recruitee. Let’s go through each of them.
Step 1 - Your job opening
Here you can fill out all your job’s details like the job title, location, job description, remote work options, and requirements.
Remember that this could be your first point of contact between you and your potential hires. The more specific you are, the easier it will be for the right candidates to find you.
To help get you started, you may want to look at 200+ free job description templates we compiled just for you to help get you inspired. Remember to tailor them to your job and company.
Step 2 - Setting up your application form
Here you can choose what information candidates should include in their applications, including whether or not you would like them to attach a file like a CV, cover letter or photo.
Something you might want to consider adding at this stage are screening questions, which you can do by clicking the "Add new" button in the screening question section.
These questions can be customized according to your vacancy. Questions can be open, yes/no, text (single or multiple line), video answer, single choice, multiple choice or add a file. You can make them mandatory or optional.
Adding these questions can help give you insights to candidates' skills, experience, and qualifications. Gathering data through these pre-screening questions can help shorten the interview time with the candidates you decide to proceed with.
You can also choose to let candidates apply with their LinkedIn or Indeed profiles or not. Select “Hidden” if you don’t want these options to be visible on the job opening’s application form.
Step 3 - Setting up your hiring pipeline
Different recruiters and different positions may require a different workflow, which is why you may want to customize your process for a specific job. You can do this by clicking “Edit workflow" at the bottom of the Application Form tab.
To customize, hover your mouse over each stage and click the pencil icon on the top right corner to edit that stage. Remember to add in the Stage name and Type. Connecting the stage to the type will help you generate more complete reports later on.
You can also click “Add new” to add a new stage to the current workflow (like “Phone Screening” or “First Interview”). Drag and drop the hamburger icon (three stripes on the right) on each stage to arrange the stages’ orders at any time.
Keeping candidates in the loop is important. You can make sure to inform them about the status of their applications by setting up an “Email confirmation.” This pre-drafted email will be automatically sent to a candidate when they submit their application to the job opening.
We have also added a GDPR email footer to these auto-confirmation emails. That way, candidates are in control of when and how their data is processed.
Step 4 - Assemble your hiring team
Often you won't be the only one involved in the hiring process, which is why you may want to add team members or external recruiters to collaborate. You'll be able to customize your hiring team for each job in this step.
At the bottom on the workflow tab, click on to "Edit Recruiting team." Then choose "+ Add team member."
From here, you can invite team members who have already joined your company account in Recruitee.
Click “Invite new team member” to invite team members who haven’t logged in to Recruitee yet. You can assign different roles to the new team members.
The members added to this Job will get email notifications of the Job’s activities.
5 - Job Status
Last step is to put your Job live! On the right, the job status should be on "Draft." You can change the status in the drop down menu. Not ready to publish it? You can keep it on Draft or Internal use. Click "Save" once you've decided.
What's next?
Now that you have your first Job published, you can use the Job's Link below to share with your team.
Try it in Recruitee right away by clicking here. Or, you can go to the next step and create a stunning Careers Site to display employer brand and attract like-minded candidates.
In case you don’t have any job openings yet, there is a way to help you save candidates for future hiring using Talent Pools. Check it out below.