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View upcoming and past events

View your and your team members' events

Updated over 4 months ago

Once you know where your team is spending the most time and what their calendars looks like, you can use these insights to plan your week. Armed with this information, you can identify trends in what’s working and feed that back into your talent acquisition strategy.

See your events

1. Go to Dashboard in the left menu > Events.

2. To see the events you have scheduled, you can filter between My events and Everyone's events, or you can select a specific team member to view only that person's events. You can also choose between viewing Upcoming or Past events.

3. On the right side is a simple calendar view of the events you currently see. Days with events will be underlined in blue. Click on a day to see the events scheduled for that day.

4. Click Clear selected date to return to the full events list view.

See candidate’s events

Click on the Events tab in the Candidate’s profile to see Events associated with them.

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