Show jobs from all company accounts on one careers site


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Written by Recruitee Content
Updated over a week ago

If you have multiple company accounts and you want to display all Jobs from other accounts in one account's Careers Site, this is easily done.

1. Click CareersHub in the bottom-left and select Go to dashboard.

2. Click Edit next to Careers site (Version 1.0).

3. Open the Careers Site editor on the left side of your Careers Site.

4. Click the + button to create a Custom Code section. 

You can drag and drop the Custom Code block to position it at the preferred position on your Careers Site

5. Add the following code to the HTML field and Save.

<div id="recruitee-careers"></div>

6. The next step is to add this code to the Scripts in header field.

7. Edit the COMPANY_ID in the script to the IDs() of the company account(s) whose Jobs you want to show.

To check the ID, go to Settings > Apps and Plugins > Jobs widget, under companies you can see the IDs of the companies you have access to. Enter the IDs in the script and click Save.

The jobs will then be shown on the Careers site in the widget layout.

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